Knowledge Co-Production Spaces: Raising Awareness about Climate Change

Knowledge Co-Production Spaces: Raising Awareness about Climate Change

Facing climate change and its consequences is usually discussed in terms of the technological challenges we have to face. However, any effort can only succeed with most of the population favoring the necessary changes. In public debate, the agreement of broad parts of society is often just a priori assumed – a state, however, which is not…

Imbalances of the Electric Grid: Implications, Challenges and Solutions

Imbalances of the Electric Grid: Implications, Challenges and Solutions

Electricity has been a natural part of civilized life for decades, yet almost nobody knows how the grid works. While this is a larger topic, today we discuss the increasing challenge of keeping the balance: The electrical grid always has to balance demand and supply. Yet, hectic daily life is full of constant changes: Lights…

Horizon 2020: Putting European Innovations Back on Track

Horizon 2020: Putting European Innovations Back on Track

The transitions needed to face climate change are numerous: About how we can reduce carbon footprint, become more efficient in our heating, or increase the availability of data in processes. Innovations are needed to tackle these problems. In a global context, Europe is often said to need to be faster, facing the danger of lagging…

EXTRAQT – Revolutionizing the Heating Industry

EXTRAQT – Revolutionizing the Heating Industry

Discussions about energy usage are becoming increasingly prominent in the eye of climate change. Still, they are also stirred up by international conflicts, such as the war in Ukraine and the ensuing discussion about Europe’s dependence on Russian gas. The most prominent component of the world’s energy usage is heating and cooling, taking up about…

Carbon Management – An Overview

Carbon Management – An Overview

Introduction Climate change and its consequences are a central issue at this time. Whether we are talking about direct impacts that have already been felt, such as forest fires in Australia in 2019 or in Canada recently, droughts and torrential floods; or about the political-technical component: debates about the expansion of renewable energy, the future…

OxReGen: Creating Energy Supply for Off-Grid Communities

OxReGen: Creating Energy Supply for Off-Grid Communities

Energy policies are one of the most discussed topics in the current political and social discourse. When we think of such, mainly three topics come to our mind: security of supply and strategic independence from foreign players such as Russia, China, but also the U.S.; affordable prices; and (more or less) ambitious climate protection plans….

Princeston: Solutions for Clean Water

Princeston: Solutions for Clean Water

Facing climate change and its effects is an increasingly difficult task, which not only poses a challenge to the transition of the energy business but affects all parts of life: More and more extreme weather phenomena leading to longer periods of droughts or even desertification in many regions, which endangering fresh water supply in the…

Flexora: Flexible Sensor Foils for the Energy Transition

Flexora: Flexible Sensor Foils for the Energy Transition

Discussion about the ongoing automation of all aspects of society has only become more prominent with the launch of the AI Model ChatGPT. Simultaneously, the debate on how to tackle climate change picks up speed in many countries. A common key point throughout all discussions remains that an increase in efficiency in our applications is…