GENERA – Re-Vitalising Energy Transition in Touristic Islands

GENERA – Re-Vitalising Energy Transition in Touristic Islands

Carbon neutrality and how to achieve it is a widely discussed topic today. However, most discussions revolve around the technical side of it: The latest developments in wind and solar energy; how to use battery technology to make up for the intermittent nature of the renewables; or the increasing challenges for grid operators. While these…

EnerMan – A Framework for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems

EnerMan – A Framework for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems

Industrial processes take up a considerable portion of the total energy consumed. This imposes challenges on society for two reasons: First, high energy consumption brings a high carbon footprint, as energy consumption could be more perfectly carbon neutral. Second, it strains the electrical grid, which is already more strained than ever due to the increased…

Horizon 2020: Putting European Innovations Back on Track

Horizon 2020: Putting European Innovations Back on Track

The transitions needed to face climate change are numerous: About how we can reduce carbon footprint, become more efficient in our heating, or increase the availability of data in processes. Innovations are needed to tackle these problems. In a global context, Europe is often said to need to be faster, facing the danger of lagging…